For $35.00 a month, 3 month minimum. We will print, host, sell, and ship your shirt direct to your customer, hell we will even collect the sales tax. We can produce 1 shirt every 3 to 5 minutes. We do not need a lot of inventory laying around not selling. We do not need to “do a run”, “batch”, or “color change” we can print on the fly as orders come in. That makes us very unique to the market. For that $35.00 you pay a month (3 month min) you will get 3 shirts for demo purposes, or you can sell them face to face. We will even let you totally change the shirt design 1 time in that 3 month period. We are here to make shirts for the little guy without bankrupting or making it impossible to make money selling shirts. 

here is how it works

 If you get 5 people to buy your shirt we made you and it cost you $ 17.00 for us to make your shirt. You want us to sell it for you for $25.00 plus any applicable taxes. You get a profit of $8.00 per shirt THATS $40.00. Every month we will send you a check for “your” profit on your shirt. shirt not selling we will do a redesign on a new shirt 1 time in the 3 months period.

terms and conditions 

After payment of $35.00 X3 ($105 plus any applicable taxes) The program requires a 3 month  Subscription. We will help you develop your shirt with you hand and hand. After all designs are finalized and approved by You we will make 1 demo shirt, and give you the cost for us to make your shirt. If you like the design and how everything looks on the shirt, we will then take pictures of your shirt and post it for sale on We will provide you with a QR code that goes directly to your shirt on our site. From there your customers can purchase your shirt at the price you set plus applicable taxes. We will then make, and ship your shirt to your customer for you as the orders come in. We will also take care of the collected sales tax from your shirt. At the end of each month, we will send you a check for the difference between your cost which is the amount we charged you to make the shirt and the mount you set it sell your shirt at. You never touch the shirt, drop ship order if you will. This program also gives you one redesign if you find the shirt is not selling or you have a better idea, we will do 1 redo with in the 3 months.

Shirt images must not infringe on any trademark or copyright whatsoever. Shirts cannot be racial in nature or demeaning to any person or group of people. Shirt also cannot share any likeness to any shirt that is currently developing, or a shirt being sold though at time of design. You are not aloud to pick one of designs and change it to make your own design without paying a royalty to If shirt contains profanity, there will be an 18+ only disclaimer before proceeding your shirt on our site. We are not responsible for any negative back lash your shirt may causes and we reserve the right to take down your shirt and stop selling it with no refund if we see this is causing any issues of hate or is negatively affecting By clicking the Purchase PYSH Program button below you are agreeing to these terms.